

La continuidad de los servicios de Odontopediatría durante la pandemia

Pediatric dentistry services during pandemics
La evidencia muestra que las clínicas dentales siguen siendo espacios seguros tanto para los pacientes como para los miembros del equipo dental y los propios dentistas.

Continuity of pediatric dentistry services during pandemics

Pediatric dentistry services during pandemics remain a safe practice for both patients and team members.

The European Dental Council (EDC) has issued a statement recommending the continuity of provision of oral health care services during the pandemic for COVID-19. The General Council of Dentists of Spain subscribes to the statements of its European counterpart.

In the letter, it refers to the fact that, despite the increase in new cases of SARS-CoV-2 in Europe, “the evidence shows that dental clinics continue to be safe spaces for patients, members of the dental team and dentists themselves, since effective personal protection measures have been adopted and the recommended protocols are followed,” the CED points out.


Why continue pediatric dentistry services during pandemics?

In addition, CED reminds that oral care includes not only urgent and essential dental treatment, but also preventive and conservative care. It certainly has to be considered as essential medical care. Therefore, it should not be postponed until the pandemic is resolved by COVID-19.

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, European dentists have been on the front line, along with other healthcare professionals. As such, they provide safe treatment, while remaining committed to the well-being of their patients. In addition, they must continue to provide the usual responsible care, despite the circumstances,” says CED President Dr. Marco Landi.

The General Council of Dentists subscribes to and supports the statement of the European Dental Council. “As has been reported from the Collegiate Organization, current evidence has confirmed that dental clinics are safe spaces, both for patients and for dental staff. All the measures and protocols that have been adopted since the beginning of the health crisis have made it possible to continue with the necessary oral care without having to postpone it,” says the president of the General Council of Dentists, Dr. Óscar Castro Reino.

He also insists that good oral health is key to avoiding other systemic complications. “From the Collegiate Organization we recommend the population not to delay the treatment of oral conditions. Undoubtedly, this could lead to future complications that require a more complex approach,” concludes Dr. Castro.



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