
Children & teenagers´ endodontics

A complete pulp (nerve) treatment in a permanent tooth or endodontics in a child, teenager or young adult will normally take place after a severe dental trauma or due to large tooth decay also affecting the tooth pulp (nerve). This dental treatment is commonly known as “killing the nerve”.

Why is endodontics useful?

Paediatric or juvenile endodontics of a tooth represents the complete removal of the tooth pulp or nerve of the permanent tooth or molar. This affects both, crowns and root canals.

The denomination of this dental treatment as “killing the nerve” among families is not well liked in the dental environment as it can produce fear or apprehension feelings among children, teenagers or young adults, due to its negative connotation.

The objective of endodontics is the cleaning of the root canals and elimination of bacteria and pulp tissue to achieve radicular conducts to be as aseptic as possible.

Endodontics for children and teenagers
Endodontics for children and teenagers

What is done in endodontics?

During an endodontics procedure, as we previously said commonly known as “killing the nerve”, all areas where pulp tissue was present are disinfected with specific products.

Afterwards, root canals are clogged and filled with a material designed to seal and isolate the roots, avoiding further new bacteria colonization in the pulp (nerve) area.

How long does it take to perform a root canal?

When an endodontic treatment is performed in a child, teenager or young adult, we will take into account:

  1. the number and form of the roots of the tooth,
  2. the presence or not of calcifications in the radicular conducts,
  3. the previous pathologic process suffered by the tooth or molar,
  4. as well as the possibility of cooperation from the patient.

Depending on all these factors, the time needed for a root canal may vary, as well as the price.

After studying the specific case by the paediatric or juvenile dentist, he or she will guide the parents on the treatment details to perform the “killing the nerve” procedure.

Endodontics for children and teenagers