Tooth extraction in children and teenagers

Children and teenagers tooth extraction

On occasions, fortunately few, the circumstances and the case in question points that the paediatric patient may require the performance of  an extraction of a milk or a permanent tooth. Dental extraction in children is a very unfortunate circumstance for their oral health, which will undoubtedly have implications in his/her mouth throughout their lives.

When should a tooth be extracted?

The early loss of a tooth in the child or adolescent patient can not only hinder different functions such as chewing, phonation, swallowing, but can also interfere with the development of the jaws. For this reason, the children’s dentist or paediatric dentist tries to maintain temporary and permanent teeth whenever possible. However, there are some reasons that lead the professional to perform a tooth extraction in children, such as when the tooth is not restorable due to an extensive decay lesion or a complicated pulpal injury, or, in teeth that have suffered severe eruptive disorders, supernumerary teeth, when there is a pathology associated with the child, adolescent or young patient and, at last, for orthodontic reasons.

Tooth extraction in children and teenagers
Tooth extraction in children and teenagers

How should a tooth extraction be performed?

Beyond the established prejudices around this medical act, the dental extraction procedure in children performed by a professional in paediatric dentistry is not complex or traumatic for the child, adolescent or young patient, since the paediatric dentist will adapt his language strategies, guide the behavior and clinical knowledge to the patient, allowing this procedure to become simple and easy for the patient. It is important to remember that in most cases the process will require  local anesthesia (topical-infiltrative), but not advised for families to make comments or unnecessary explanations before the appointment, therefore unintentionally generating fears in the child or young individual. The paediatric dentist is prepared and knows how to professionally manage and respond to the feelings and needs of the child, adolescent or youngster.